About Us
Not your average Accountant
‘When I grow up, I want to be an accountant.’
That’s not a phrase you hear very often – if at all. But finding ways to work alongside you, growing your business and seeing your goals achieved really does excite us. We love what we do and wouldn’t swap our jobs for the world. So whether you’re starting, growing, saving, or winding down your business, get in touch with people who will be as eager as you are. We’ll help you free up your time and improve your bottom line.
NLA is a key part of the NZ CA network – New Zealand’s largest network of Independent Chartered Accounting firms. Through this we’re able to access worldwide best practice tools, training and information – as well as an extensive business knowledge base. All of this combines to help us stay up to date with changes in our industry and yours, and enables us to deliver the highest calibre of work.
NLA is a key part of the NZ CA network – New Zealand’s largest network of Independent Chartered Accounting firms. Through this we’re able to access worldwide best practice tools, training and information – as well as an extensive business knowledge base. All of this combines to help us stay up to date with changes in our industry and yours, and enables us to deliver the highest calibre of work.

Unique Architecture
Our History
We’re not going to bore you with details. NLA was born out of the international firm PricewaterhouseCoopers in 2001. John Naylor, Michael Lawrence and Linda Gray recognised that businesses would benefit more from a locally focused accountancy firm.

Since then, we’ve continued to surround ourselves with the best people, offering a full range of services to grow and nurture business. We think it’s worked pretty well, because today NLA is one of the largest accountancy firms in the region, helping clients in a range of industries.
Exclusive Experiences
Our Approach
Fit is a word that is bandied around quite a lot at NLA. We use it to refer to the health of our business, our clients’ businesses and our team. But more importantly, a good fit is what we look for in our relationships.
As our client, you have to be happy that we’re a good fit for you. Like a good tailor, we take our top quality product and make alterations so it fits exactly to your needs. Whatever life-cycle stage or industry your business is in, we have solutions for you.
Try us – we’d love to give you a free one hour consultation to show you we can make a real difference to your business.
As our client, you have to be happy that we’re a good fit for you. Like a good tailor, we take our top quality product and make alterations so it fits exactly to your needs. Whatever life-cycle stage or industry your business is in, we have solutions for you.
Try us – we’d love to give you a free one hour consultation to show you we can make a real difference to your business.
Giving Back
Our Community
We think great people make the world go round – and there’s a lot of good people out there. We’re involved with various groups and individuals in our community, and we love being able to help them through support or sponsorship. By building a strong community we all benefit, including your business.

Working together
Our Business Partners
Let’s face it, there’d be no Apple Computers without the partnership of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. That’s why we partner with trusted businesses to ensure our clients receive top quality business solutions.
Our business partners share our values and bring vital complementary skills to the table. We trust and respect them, and you can too.
Our business partners share our values and bring vital complementary skills to the table. We trust and respect them, and you can too.